Who is the closest Obstetrician to Northside hospital in Atlanta?
What to look for in an obstetrician
Closest obstetrician to Northside hospital in Atlanta, GA is Georgia OBGYN. But, why is the important and who exactly should see an obstetrician? We’ll answer those important questions and more, below.
Q. Who should see an obstetrician?
A. Obstetricians are physicians that specialize in providing care during pregnancy and immediately after women give birth. They’ll perform regular checkups throughout your pregnancy, perform any required testing and ultrasounds, and deliver your child. After you give birth, your obstetrician will also follow up with you to make sure you are healthy and feeling your best.
Q. What should I look for in an obstetrician?
A. Finding the best obstetrician for you is important, and can be a daunting task when you’re already stressed. When looking for an obstetrician, be sure to look for one that accepts your insurance. Finding one that is close to where you’ll deliver your baby is important as well, as it can give you comfort being familiar with the hospital as well as your doctor. That’s one reason one of the first things people look for is the closest obstetrician to Northside Hospital in Atlanta. Georgia OBGYN uses Northside Hospital’s facilities and it allows you to get everything you need in one place.
Q. What kinds of births can obstetricians perform?
A. The obstetricians at Georgia OBGYN can perform both natural and cesarean births. Since we are the closest obstetrician to Northside Hospital in Atlanta, our team is able to quickly get to you to assist with this magical time, no matter if your scheduled or go into labor on our own.
Q. Do obstetricians perform other services like wellness exams?
A. No. Obstetricians only provide care for women who are pregnant or have recently had a baby. For a wellness exam, you’d need to see a gynecologist, who specializes in women’s reproductive health but doesn’t provide care during pregnancy, or an OBGYN. An OBGYN is a doctor that specializes in both gynecology and obstetrics, allowing them to provide care throughout life’s many stages.
Closest obstetrician to Northside Hospital in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA area women who are pregnant and looking for an obstetrician or OBGYN for care should start their search for a doctor at Georgia OBGYN. As the closest obstetrician to Northside Hospital in Atlanta, we have easy access to their facilities so you can get all your care in one spot. To meet our team of experts, or to learn more about our obstetric services, be sure to contact our office today.