Women’s obstetrics and gynecology practices are here in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA if you need to get a LEEP procedure done. On first impressions, this probably sounds like a really big and really scary operation to have to go through. In reality, that isn’t the case at all. In fact, this procedure is actually commonly used in practice nowadays with no complaints from patients whatsoever. If you’re reading this, you’re either just really curious about what LEEP is, or you’ve been referred to get one done as soon as possible. Either way, we’re here to help. We’ll walk you through the entire procedure.
LEEP stands for loop electrosurgical excision procedure. It is a surgical procedure where the abnormal tissue in the cervix is removed. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus which is located on top of the vagina. The LEEP procedure is usually done to remove cancerous cells or tissues present in the cervix. It can also be done to prevent any abnormal cells from becoming cancerous. If cancer runs in the family, chances are you may get it too. It is for these such reasons that some people prefer removing these tissues in advance before it turns into something serious. Although removing some cells to prevent cancer sounds like a good idea, there is still some chance that cancer could come back. Just somewhere else with no medical experts.
The LEEP surgery takes about 10 minutes in total and is often followed by almost no discomfort or pain. It is however recommended that you follow the following steps in order to achieve the best and pain-free operation as soon as possible (NSAID:
If you’re at the age of puberty, or between the ages of 11 to 50, the women’s obstetrics and gynecology department may recommend you get a pregnancy test done before you go ahead with the procedure. This is to make sure you are aware of the risks you’re making, The cool thing about this procedure is that you’re going to be awake the whole time. Lidocaine is a numbing cream and is used to numb the cervix before the operation. Once your cervix is numb, your doctor will pass the thin wire loop through the surface of your cervix to remove the abnormal cells. Sometimes, your doctor may need to do it a second time.
If you’re satisfied with the level of care we provide, contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.