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The women’s health expert in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA: tips for your next pap smear

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The women’s health experts discuss your pap smear

Women’s health experts in Marietta and Atlanta GA want to make visiting the doctor a pleasant experience. When visiting a women’s health expert for a regular checkup, there’s a chance that they will advise you to undergo a few routine tests, including a test for cervical cancer. This is called a Pap test, and in order for the test to be carried out, your doctor will perform what’s called a Pap smear.

By scheduling a pelvic exam, it shows that you are taking your health seriously. These exams are essential regardless of whether or not you are sexually active because they are checking for cervical cancer while it is still able to be cured. Plus, this gives you a chance to have a confidential and candid conversation with your doctor about problems that you may be having, such as contraceptive methods, irregular periods, or sexually related matters.

What is a Pap smear?

A Pap smear is an examination that is done to diagnose cervical cancer in women. Every woman who has a regular Pap smear exam has more of a chance to prevent and cure cervical cancer.

But many patients don’t understand what smearing means. After a Pap smear exam is performed, your gynecologist will collect a sample of cells from the cervix for further examination. This examination is beneficial to diagnose, prevent, and even cure cervical cancer.

How to prepare for a Pap smear

Some women may find that a Pap smear can be physically uncomfortable, but a Pap smear is crucial to maintaining good health. Here are some things that you can do before a Pap smear examination to make your appointment more comfortable and practical.

Prep 2-3 in advance: Not being aware of what not to do is one of the most significant errors that you can make in regards to a Pap smear. You should not be using vaginal jellies, creams, and medicines within two days of an appointment. You should also plan to refrain from vaginal sex two days before your Pap smear appointment. Using a vaginal cream or having sex before your examination can wash away some obscure or abnormal cells; this will distort your results.

Track your period: You should try as much as possible to schedule your Pap smear exam 10-14 days after your period. Your menstruation might interfere with detecting abnormal cells, depending on how heavy your bleeding is during your period. If you are not sure whether or not to reschedule your exam, it is advised that you consult with your healthcare provider.

Empty your bladder: When arriving at your OBGYN’s office, you should empty your bladder before the time of your appointment. Using your muscles to “hold it” does not mix well with relaxing to let the doctor do the Pap smear.

Women’s health in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA, what to expect

A women’s health expert will insist that you have a Pap smear every three years. Your doctor may recommend that you have more frequent exams in special cases such as being HIV-positive, having a weakened immune system, or having a cervical cancer diagnosis.

Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.