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OBGYN near Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA may perform various surgeries

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OBGYN near Northside Hospital doe more than just in-office care

OBGYN near Northside Hospital often utilizes the hospital to perform various procedures for their Atlanta, GA patients. When most women, and people in general, think of an OBGYN, they picture in-office care such as wellness exams, Pap Smears, and even some vaccinations. But, OBGYNs do so much more than that, though those are important parts of the care they provide women.

An OBGYN near Northside Hospital may also utilize their privileges at the hospital to perform surgeries or care for patients who need to be hospitalized. Let’s take a look at what else they can do.

Surgeries your OBGYN may do

Your OBGYN near Northside Hospital can perform a variety of surgeries to keep their patients healthy, including:

  • This procedure involves the removal of the uterus. It can be done either laparoscopically or abdominally, depending on the patient and their needs. Women may need to have this procedure done by their OBGYN near Northside Hospital if they have uterine cancer, fibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, or uterine prolapse, among other reasons.
  • This involves removing uterine fibroids. Unlike a hysterectomy, a myomectomy leaves the uterus intact and most women retain their ability to have children.
  • Bilateral Tubal Ligation. This is a procedure that women who are positive they do not want more children may opt for. This surgery involves your OBGYN near Northside Hospital to burn, cut, or remove sections of the fallopian tubes. This, in turn, blocks the tubs and prevents eggs from becoming fertilized, preventing future pregnancies.
  • C-section deliveries. Some women are able to give birth naturally, others may require surgical intervention to keep themselves and their baby healthy and safe during delivery. An OBGYN can perform both vaginal deliveries and caesarean. A caesarean involves making an incision in the abdomen to remove the new baby.

In-office procedures are also offered

In addition to your OBGYN being able to utilize the hospital for surgical care for patients, they can also perform in-office procedures as well. These can be done at the clinic without the use of anesthesia and include things such as IUD implantation, bone density tests, incision care, and more.

OBGYN near Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA women need to feel confident in the care their provider offers and the facilities they use for their care. As an OBGYN near Northside, Georgia OBGYN is proud to utilize their quality facilities to provide the best care possible to our patients. Contact our office to learn more about the services our physicians are able to provide or to schedule an appointment.

Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.