OBGYN near Northside Hospital in Atlanta GA is available for the consultation of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). We can only imagine the level of frustration you must be going through right now. As much as you want to experience a sexual moment with your partner, you just can’t bring yourself in the mood to do so. You feel like you’ve lost your sex drive and it’s affecting your focus on other more important things. We hope after reading this article, you book an appointment with us to help solve your issue.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire or HSDD is a disorder that affects your ability to get turned on by anyone or anything. It is when you’re not interested in having sex or you have a low sex drive. Now everyone faces moments of low sex drive but if you feel that you’re facing it all the time or more often than usual, you may have Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. We recommend getting a consultation by an OBGYN near Northside Hospital who is specialized in treating Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. Patients who have HSDD generally have no thoughts or fantasies about sex and they don’t respond appropriately to their partner’s sexual advances or signals. Often times they can lose their desire to have sex while in the process of having it or they just generally avoid having it altogether.
Believe it or not, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is actually more common than you think. It is one of the most common complaints patients have when it comes to sex. Most people think this isn’t something that can be fixed. We’re here to let you know that is not the case. Oftentimes, the cause of HSDD is completely curable with some lifestyle and diet changes. Let’s take a look at some common causes of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder:
Our OBGYN practice in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA specializes in dealing with sexual complaints and disorders faced by patients every day. Our OBGYNs are all board-certified surgeons trained in the latest treatment options and surgical techniques. Even with the latest in training and equipment, we maintain the level of care that has been the cornerstone of our practice for over 30 years. We remain committed to serving our patients in the community. Providing women with personal and professional care stands as a core mission in our practice. We recommend booking a consultation with one of our top OBGYNs and you won’t be disappointed!
We understand making the decision to seek treatment is a huge step to take. Once you’re satisfied and ready to accept help and treatment from the best in the area, contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.