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Atlanta women’s OBGYN elaborate early phases of labor for Atlanta women

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Atlanta women’s OBGYN explains the early phases of labor

Atlanta women’s OBGYN states that there are three early phases of labor which are:

  • Amniotic sac
  • Contractions
  • Cervix dilation

Phase 1: the amniotic sac

Atlanta women’s OBGYN explains that the amniotic sac is the fluid-filled membrane surrounding your baby. This sac will almost always rupture before the baby is born, though in some cases it remains intact until delivery. When it ruptures, it’s often described as your “water breaking.”

In most cases, your water will break before you go into labor or at the very beginning of labor. Most women experience their water breaking as a gush of fluid: A clear and odorless.

Phase 2: the contractions

Contractions are the tightening and releasing of your uterus. These motions will eventually help your baby push through the cervix. Contractions can feel like heavy cramping or pressure that begins in your back and moves to the front. Contractions aren’t a reliable indicator of labor. A general rule is that when you are having contractions that last for a minute, are five minutes apart, and have been so for an hour, you’re in true labor.

Phase 3: the cervix dilation

Atlanta women’s OBGYN say that the cervix is the lowest part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The cervix is a tubular structure approximately 3 to 4 centimeters in length with a passage that connects the uterine cavity to the vagina. During labor, the role of the cervix must change from maintaining the pregnancy (by keeping the uterus closed) to facilitating the delivery of the baby (by dilating, or opening, enough to allow the baby through).

Labor and delivery

Atlanta women’s OBGYN says that the cervical canal must open until the cervical opening itself has reached 10 centimeters in diameter and the baby can pass into the birth canal. As the baby enters the vagina, the skin and muscles stretch. At this point, the skin may feel like it’s burning.

Some childbirth educators call this the ring of fire because of the burning sensation felt as the mother’s tissues stretch around the baby’s head. At this time, your healthcare provider may decide to perform an episiotomy.

You may or may not feel the episiotomy because the skin and muscles can lose sensation due to how tightly they’re stretched.

Best Atlanta women’s OBGYN

The more an expectant mother is psychologically prepared for birth the better it is. We focus on providing you with the best for safe delivery. Call us today! Book a consultation with your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.