Women’s specialists help Atlanta, GA women with many health concerns. One of them is wellness. This encompasses a wide variety of services focusing on physical health, mental health, and even sexual health. See how a women’s specialist can help you.
Women’s specialists such as OBGYNs and gynecologists perform annual wellness exams for women. These exams are part of preventive health and check for signs of illness or disease. These visits often include a check of your vital signs, as well as breast and pelvic exams, and Pap Smears.
During these yearly doctor’s visits, women’s specialists will often allow time for you to ask any questions. This can be about sexual health, birth control, or simply a question of whether or not something is considered normal.
Believe it or not, women’s specialists also watch for signs of mental illness in their patients. Though they may not be able to provide care in this realm, they can help you find the care you need by referring you to another physician.
If your mental state is impacted by a women’s issue such as changing hormones due to menopause or recently having had a baby, women’s specialists will work with you on options to manage these issues.
Women’s specialists also know the importance of staying healthy. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, working out often, and getting enough rest. If you have concerns about maintaining a healthy lifestyle while you are expecting or going through a change, they can help. They can advise on the approximate amount of weight you should gain during pregnancy and what exercise is appropriate for you to do.
They can also help you adapt to some new life changes, like a new baby, that may be causing nights of no sleep or stress. Many women’s specialists will have the information they can provide you to help you cope. If more assistance is needed, they can also refer you on to your primary care physician or another specialist.
The coronavirus pandemic, or COVID-19, has brought new recommendations for staying healthy as well. During these times, be sure to wash your hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds after you have been outside, eaten, or touched a pet. You should also practice social distancing and remain six feet away from others while out.
Atlanta, GA women can turn to the team of women’s specialists at Georgia OBGYN for care. Though we are currently asking patients to stay home, Georgia OBGYN is still here if you need us. We can schedule a Telemedicine appointment and determine if you need to enter the office. However, if you feel you have the coronavirus, be sure to consult your primary care physician for assistance.