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Women’s health experts in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA offers advice to manage high-risk pregnancy

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Women’s health experts and high-risk pregnancy management

When women’s health experts tell you that your pregnancy is at high risk can feel concerning whether it is your first pregnancy or your third. It is a term that can describe a wide array of common conditions. Many of them are conditions you might have developed during delivery or while pregnant, they can also be related to any pre-existing conditions you may have had before you became pregnant.

Your pregnancy will not necessarily be more challenging or difficult than a low-risk pregnancy. However, it does sometimes mean that you will undergo more monitoring and consult a maternal-fetal medicine specialist compared to someone with a low-risk pregnancy.

What does it mean to have a high-risk pregnancy?

You will need extra care to have a healthy pregnancy because of your particular health situation when you have a high-risk pregnancy. Health conditions and circumstances such as HIV, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia are all applied to the term high-risk.

What are the symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy?

It is often difficult to distinguish the symptoms of a typical pregnancy from symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy. However, the symptoms will be far more severe and may last longer than a normal pregnancy. During a pregnancy that is high-risk a woman may experience:

  • Severe cramping and pain in the lower abdomen
  • Blurred vision and other noticeable changes in vision
  • Decreased fetal movement
  • Persistent headaches
  • Burning sensations while urinating
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Watery and clear vaginal discharge
  • Frequent contractions

What steps can be taken to have a healthy pregnancy?

Always stick to the basics, whether you simply want to do whatever you can to prevent a high-risk pregnancy or you already know ahead of time that you will have a high-risk pregnancy.

  • Have a preconception appointment scheduled. Consult your health care provider if you’re thinking about becoming pregnant. Before you become pregnant, he or she might counsel you to start taking daily prenatal vitamins with folic acid and to gain a healthy weight.
  • Seek regular care. Prenatal visits will help your doctor monitor the baby’s and your health. You may even be referred to a specialist.
  • Avoid risky substances. Quit smoking. Illegal drugs and alcohol are now off-limits. Any over-the-counter and prescription drugs that you are taking should be discussed with your doctor.

Additional tests may be recommended to further assess the development and health of the baby, in addition to regular screening exams. These may include a targeted ultrasound, which can provide doctors with detailed information compared to standard testing.

Women’s health in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA

You may be referred to a specialist in genetics or maternal-fetal medicine in addition to your visits with your regular obstetrician.

Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.