Gynecologists explain that every delivery is as unique and individual as each mother and infant. In addition, women may have completely different experiences with each new labor and delivery. Giving birth is a life-changing event that will leave an impression on you for the rest of your life.
Of course, you’ll want this to be a positive experience and to know what to expect. Here’s some information about what may happen as you’re delivering your baby.
A good gynecologist will advise you that as you approach the latter part of your pregnancy, you might want to write a birth plan while carefully considering what’s important to you. The overall goal is a healthy mother and baby.
The birth plan outlines your ideal birth and may need to be adjusted as the actual situation unfolds.
Talk with your partner and decide who you want to have to attend the birth. Some couples feel that this is a private time and prefer not to have others present.
A birth plan may include other subjects like pain relief during labor, delivery positions, and more.
Your gynecologists will explain to you that, if you opt for natural childbirth (delivery without pain medication), you’ll feel all types of sensations. The two sensations you’ll experience the most are pain and pressure. When you begin to push, some of the pressure will be relieved.
As the baby descends into the birth canal, though, you’ll go from experiencing pressure only during the contractions to experiencing constant and increasing pressure. It will feel something like a strong urge to have a bowel movement as the baby presses down on those same nerves.
If you choose to have an epidural
If you have an epidural, what you feel during labor will depend on the effectiveness of the epidural block. If the medication properly deadens the nerves, you may not feel anything. If it’s moderately effective, you may feel some pressure.
Although significant injuries aren’t common, during the dilation process, the cervix may tear and ultimately require repair.
Vaginal tissues are soft and flexible, but if delivery occurs rapidly or with excessive force, those tissues can tear.
As your Atlanta and Alpharetta gynecologists, our care at Georgia Obstetrics & Gynecology centers around you. We focus on providing you the thoughtful treatment that you deserve. A safe delivery, a safe mum and a safe baby. Call us today! Book a consultation with your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.