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Find the best Atlanta women’s OBGYN for fibroid treatment

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Fibroids are a relatively common issue in women found by Atlanta women’s OBGYN

Atlanta women’s OBGYN provides Atlanta, GA women with care relating to their reproductive organs. One common issue your OBGYN can diagnose and treat is fibroids. These are relatively common in women, with 70 to 80 percent of women developing them at some point in their lives, many of whom show no symptoms. However, for those that do develop symptoms, they can cause disruption in your daily life.

Q. What are fibroids?

A. Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on the uterus and are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. These are usually benign growths, but some can eventually develop into cancerous growths that require treatment.

Q. What are the symptoms?

A. Many women develop fibroids and have no symptoms, requiring no treatment from your OBGYN. However, some women may have multiple, large growths or cancerous fibroids that require treatment. Common signs of fibroids include heavy menstrual periods and periods that last more than one week, lower back pain, frequent urination, pain during intercourse, and pelvic pain or pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to consult your OBGYN.

Q. How are fibroids diagnosed?

A. Your women’s OBGYN may feel small bumps while doing your pelvic exam, which would prompt them to check for fibroids. The most common way to diagnose fibroids is through an ultrasound or an MRI.

Q. How are fibroids treated?

A. Once your OBGYN has confirmed your fibroids diagnosis. They will set to work treating them. They can be treated using certain medications. Your doctor may also recommend surgery if they are large, causing issues, or not responding to medication.

Q. How can I prevent fibroids?

A. Though there is no sure fire way to prevent the development of fibroids. However, your OBGYN can discuss steps you can take to help lower your risk of developing them. This includes eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and other lifestyle changes.

Q. What causes fibroids?

A. There is no known cause of fibroids, however, there are factors that can indicate an increased risk. A family history of them and your race can all make you more susceptible to developing fibroids.

Atlanta women’s OBGYN in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA women with a history of fibroids, or who are experiencing the symptoms we discussed above should contact their Atlanta women’s OBGYN at Georgia OBGYN. We are able to do consultations via TeleHealth to help ease your pain and put you on the path to recovery. Contact Georgia OBGYN for more information or to schedule an appointment.